As VESMEC MAKİNA, we are active; Within the scope of "Sales and marketing activities of maintenance and repair services of all kinds of Land and Sea Machinery and Ancillary Equipment";

Based on the needs and expectations of the relevant party (Internal / External Context) and customer satisfaction, to determine the changing demands on time, to respond quickly, to realize and deliver projects on time, to offer quality products / services and competitive prices,

To follow and use high technology effectively in order to maintain customer satisfaction,

To adopt the understanding that all personnel are responsible for quality and therefore to place quality awareness in all personnel, to provide trainings that will improve their knowledge and skills, to encourage harmony and creativity,

To ensure the happiness and motivation of the staff,

To adopt the understanding of continuous improvement of the system by evaluating the Quality Objectives (KH01), which can be measured based on the performance indicators of the processes defined in the system,

To comply with national and international standards, is our quality policy.

In this direction, as VESMEC MAKİNA, we undertake that we will set our Quality Targets (KH01), constantly review our targets and spread this policy among all our employees.